The blob (the big burrito)...
A partial picture of the steps leading up to the awesome waterslide...The Zimmy Shimmy!
Oh yes, they sleep in tee-pees.
Now here's a picture of a happy reunion. Being without his brother and sister was fine with B...for a couple days. Then he was ready to have his playmates home. But he was extra-happy to see them today, because today is his birthday! Yep, the big 5. Let's count 'em! 1,2,3,4,5, boo-sha, boo-ya, boo-ya, boo-ya, ah, hey-la, hey-la-la-la, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, BOO-YA, boo-ya, BOO-YA, boo-ya, ahhhhh
Whoa! Sent us into a cheer there. (Caution: While driving home from kamp, random words spoken by you may incite wild chanting and cheers from your children which could last indefinitely. Avoid saying words like okay, alright, today, so, pool, lake, fish, numbers 1-25, baseball, flag, and many others )
Tee-pee awards are a special time for the kids and their counselors.
All kamp awards is a special time too. We were proud parents as we watched A receive the "Quiet and Gentle Spirit" award for Division 1 and C, the "I'm Third" award for all of Junior Kamp.
Oh yes, I did mention we had a birthday to celebrate! From kamp, it was off to the Landing to eat at the Fish House for lunch (B's birthday choice).
Then celebrating at Grandma and Grandpa's house with cake and presents!
When it was all over, we were pooped but what a great day!