Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tie dye, baby!

This week we've decided to do something fun and different each day.  (In other words, something extra fun and extra different.)  Monday's activity....tie dye, baby!  For starters, we headed over to Michaels to buy a tie-dye kit.  The kit we bought indicated that it would dye up to 20 shirts.  We didn't realize until we got it home and read the directions that we had to mix all the dye at one time.  So we had to tie-dye a bunch of stuff!  Well, since we'd only planned to dye one shirt apiece, we went hunting through our drawers and pulled out every white shirt we could find.  We were afraid we might have to tie-dye our underwear!

Here's what we did.

First we twisted up our shirts...

Then we put on our gloves...
Then we had some messy fun!

Here's what we ended up with.  Not too shabby!  We are definitely ready for summer (or Woodstock).


  1. Those are awesome, you guys! How cool! I also love the step by step directions. Can I enroll in the Rolf Academy for summer classes? :)
